Monday, November 6, 2023

Arts About Town is currently inactive.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Have a lovely day.


Sunday, December 16, 2012

Personality paintings make great gifts!

There is still time to order before 
Mother's Day 2013!

Personality Paintings
Size--8" x 10"
Acrylic on canvas
Price--$35 (plus shipping and taxes)
Usually ships within 2 working days

(after receipt of questionnaire and payment)
Ships Priority Mail (2-3 days within US)

How to receive your personality painting:

1. Click on the personality questionnaire or animal questionnaire tab at the top of the page.

2. Copy the questions and paste them with your answers in an e-mail to me.
My e-mail address is

3. Please add the shipping address in the e-mail message and any special instructions.

4. Then, click the PayPal link below to check out.

Thanks so much!

Kris Kolk     


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I paint personalities

Very Intimate Art.

I use synesthesia to paint my vision of a person’s individuality. This has nothing to do with auras or anything mystical.

What in the world am I talking about, then?  


Synesthesia is the stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway invoking an involuntary experience in a second sensory or cognitive pathway.

It’s kind of like when a smell immediately reminds someone of a past experience. Smell can trigger memories. This is not synesthesia, but it’s the best way I can think of to describe it.

Here are some ways I experience synesthesia:

*Days and months are displayed in my mind in a wheel or clock-type formation. For example, Saturday and Sunday are always on top and wider than the other days.
*Some letters and numbers have personalities and colors associated with them.
*Guitar chords also have personalities. (I play guitar)
*I imagine number “lines” as curvy. The lines take different forms depending if I’m thinking of years, ages, decades etc.

What does this have to do with painting?

I have found a fun way to use synesthesia in my art. When I think of someone I know, my mind creates a graphic representation of their personality or essence.

For kicks, I began transferring these images to canvas. It seems like the right thing to do…like organizing a closet or dotting an “i.” Putting things right, I guess.

Don’t be a stranger.

I have compiled a list of questions so that I may paint the personalities of people I haven’t met. I ponder their answers and study about their hobbies. I listen to their favorite music. I immerse myself in this person’s space and visualize what that looks like.

I also paint the personalities of animals. As each human is one of a kind, each animal is unique, too. Two of the same breed may look alike, but their personalities may be miles apart. I have created a special questionnaire just for them.

Perhaps you think this sounds wacky.

Peruse this page and check out some of the paintings I’ve created. Doing so will probably solidify your opinion but it will be fun, nonetheless. *smile*

Gift idea? You know they don’t have one of these!

If you would like me to paint your personality or the personality of someone you know, just send me an e-mail. It is an intimate, thoughtful and affordable gift.

Are you a synesthete?

If so, I am interested in how you experience the world, too! Send me an e-mail and we can compare observations.

Have a lovely day.

Kris, Neighbor Chick